The Hypothesis
“The most beautiful thing
we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the source of all true art and all science.
He to whom this emotion is a stranger,
who can no longer pause
to wonder and stand rapt in awe,
is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.”
(14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955)
What's so smart about daydreaming?
I'm of two minds on this
In my pursuit of practicing and promoting good science and life, among other things I have long been and am still exploring "human factors".
Today I wish to touch on moments of spontaneous awareness and their role in scientific thought and discovery. This exploration started years ago reading Thomas Kuhn (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions) and my thoughts about it were also endorsed by none other than the Ah! man himself...Albert Einstein.
The most mysterious thing I am aware of is life, (the universe and everything). Especially us, humans. And I believe it is our wonderful evolutionary adaptations, the natural abilities and harmonies of the human mind and heart, that leads to true discovery.
Something I call:
A clear and spontaneous awareness.
The next mysterious thing to me is where do GREAT scientific discoveries come from? The questions aren't in the data. Data can be viewed many ways, all depending on how or which questions you ask. What conditions and state of mind produces the best of these insights? How can we promote and develop that, not only for scientists but everyone else. And lead to a better world of discovery in all fields. Wouldn't that help mankind?
Neuroscience and psychology are discovering great fluidity and plasticity as well as other marvels existing in the structure and capacities of human brain. The corpus callosum is a particularly interesting region. It is the part bridging the two hemispheres. They do not normally function in complete isolation. They are deeply connected. However in the evolution of our lineage we see a reduction of this region yet more communication between "the two brains". What does this mean? The important scientific information here is that counter to what you might think, the corpus callosum functions more as an inhibitor. The idea that the rational mind and emotional mind are separate is a logical or philosophical expedient but now we can prove it is not a biological fact. Science has shown they are not so separate in reality. We have evolved both together in one system. And they are entwined with all kinds of sharing and feedback loops. It is now clearer...Thought moderates emotion and emotion moderates thought. The brain and body also, are only separate in our imagination. The West seems to have lots of unacknowledged integrity.
I know that I am the most open to the wonders of life when I’m happy while working and then my kids playing in the background come to my attention, and I’ve suddenly solved a problem. Yes, it’s not the other way… I’m happy first and then I notice my kids, ah!. The openess to spontaneous insight is rooted in your emotional state. Cognitive science bears this out. Happiness and insight do correlate but the latest science show happiness usually comes first.
(See Jessica Stillman)
Perhaps life, is a Rorshach test. I have found that
I have the most success, I’m the most creative and innovative, I Am At my BEST, when I’m already in a happy state of mind, "in flow”. For me, Zen and a little emotional intelligence of course, can help. Whatever works for you. Love yourself as you love your work. Then, you slip into a state of flow. Your brain waves and body chemistry optimize. That, is what gives the best results. In science or anything.
Where does the hypotheses come from?
It just comes to mind
So let it
“The formation of hypotheses is the most mysterious
of all the categories of scientific method.
Where they come from, no one knows.
A person is sitting somewhere,
minding his own business, and suddenly
–flash – he understands something
he didn’t understand before.
Until it’s tested the hypothesis isn’t truth.
For the tests, aren’t its source.
Its source is somewhere else.”
Albert Einstein
The Divided Brain
Iain McGilchrist
Intuition? Sympathy? Strange words for the origin of scientific knowledge.' From “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” by Robert Maynard Pirsig
When my kids say they are bored... I'm delighted. First it means I'm doing my job properly because they usually don't complain about that when all their other needs are met. But it also means that their minds and bodies are now free to explore outside the box. Whichever box, there's so many to choose from.
Now, what I'm going to tell you may sound crazy but I have science to back me up. It is this... The best discoveries will likely come to you when you're not actually working.
When your mind is free to be open and receptive to all the ideas you've been incubating. Your idea eggs may not have much chance to hatch successfully if you are constantly sitting on them. The pause can be an opportunity for them to break out and to be born(e) into consciousness.
Once born though a good diagnostic
for the healthiness of your ideas is
Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit.
(See excerpt below)
"Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.”
Albert Einstein
Want to do more than just good work but great work? Look out the window. Relax and get distracted once in a while. Better still, get up and go out. Many times in science, the ah element, did not appear while the person was miserably struggling at their work or during tedious long hours, office politics, or the stress of a lack of resources… need I go on? No. That’s what we may affectionately call the incubation period. More often the really cool eureka moments happen while in a bathtub like Archimides. Or like Henri Pointcare and the non-euclidian geometry solution that came to him as he was stepping onto a bus. Or the revelation about the benzene ring coming via a dream. The examples are many. Einstein was a master daydreamer. He didn’t discover his theories in a lab or crunching numbers. He performed what he called thought experiments,.others may call that daydreaming. Works for me! Maybe you too. Here’s a question, have you ever had trouble recalling something in the heat of the moment, only to have it naturally come to you when you stopped forcing? Or when you made a good or bad decision… did you “rationally” decide out of fatique, fear, perhaps anger? When you knew things were right, when was that. A more calmly reflective moment, perhaps even after sleeping on it?
"It has become appallingly obvious
that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
Albert Einstein
So when do think you’ll be likely to have that brilliant flash of insight? We know we can’t force it. How do we allow it to just spontaneously happen? Twisting ourselves against our biology for some ideological discipline or philosophy is not a healthy habit and is actually counter-productive. Best to go with the flow and be your natural best. Our two minds are not a duality
but always a harmonious ONE
The Baloney Detection Kit
Warning signs that suggest deception
The following are suggested as tools for testing arguments and detecting fallacious or fraudulent arguments: - Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the facts. - Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view. - Arguments from authority carry little weight (in science there are no "authorities"). - Spin more than one hypothesis - don't simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy. - Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it's yours. - Quantify, wherever possible. - If there is a chain of argument every link in the chain must work. - Occam's razor - if there are two hypotheses that explain the data equally well choose the simpler. - Ask whether the hypothesis can, at least in principle, be falsified (shown to be false by some unambiguous test). In other words, it is testable? Can others duplicate the experiment and get the same result? See Additional issues here: The Carl Sagan Portal
Value your imagination and trust your intuition.
Don't count your spring chicks before they hatch.
And if or when they do hatch...
My intuition told me this is true many years ago, now science is proving I was right. |
Science and Rigor
Have fun, play safe
MU-Peter Science
© 2016 MU - Peter Shimon